The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

Beyond the Law of Attraction with
Michael Bernard Beckwith

Michael Bernard Beckwith’s spiritual foundation

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne would not have been complete without the amazingly inspirational, Michael Bernard Beckwith who began an exploration into Eastern and Western spiritual teachings in the 1970s.

He started to teach what were described as universal truth principles in the so-called New Thought Tradition of spirituality at a centre he founded in Los Angeles, Agape International Spiritual Center.

We are just here to become our real selves

Michael Bernard Beckwith

Coretta Scott King, the widow of Martin Luther King, paid tribute to Michael’s work when she wrote to him: I greatly admire what you are doing to bring about the beloved community, which is certainly what my dear husband worked for and ultimately gave his life.

Besides appearing on many international panels with other peacemakers and spiritual leaders which include the Dalai Lama, Dr Aryarante of Sri Lanka and Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, he co-founded the Association for Global Thought which is dedicated to planetary healing and transformation.

Michael Bernard Beckwith and the Life Visioning Process

Michael Beckwith teaches the Life Visioning Process, which he originated, and he facilitates workshops, seminars and retreats.

His books include Life Visioning, A Manifesto of Peace, Inspirations of the Heart and 40 Day Mind Soul Feast.

He has received many humanitarian awards which include the 2004 Africa Peace Award, he starred in the DVD movie The Secret and has appeared on Larry King Live and Oprah.

I can recommend Michael’s book, Life Visioning, which encapsulates, I believe, the core of his beliefs and teaching and extends The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

It is quite lengthy but inspirational and rewarding, and worth every minute of the time you spend reading it.

Michael Bernard Beckwith on effective public speaking

If you are interested in effective public speaking you might like to consider what Michael said about his own efforts at speaking in public in a recent interview:

I will begin to speak on whatever the theme is and then at some point the energy itself, the knowledge itself about that subject, will begin to pour forth through me and I will begin to have a greater understanding, even in the moment, of what I want to talk about. I am not satisfied when I speak unless I am surprised.

It is something which perhaps encapsulates The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Michael Beckwith is, of course a very experienced, profound and motivational speaker, but you may think that is something for which to aim.

Michael Bernard Beckwith and awareness

He has much to say about the law of attraction. Develop enough awareness to choose to ask the question: What lesson is here for me? What blessing is here for me? What am I to learn here in this particular experience?

If you do that, rather than going into wishful thinking or dwelling on fear or worry, you can become empowered by that choice and the universe will open up many opportunities that previously you would not have seen because you were not asking the right questions.

The recognition of personal blessings is a key element of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

Michael Bernard Beckwith on meditation

Michael Beckwith confesses to being a life long meditator.

He believes it is the key. He expresses meditation as being one of the most powerful technologies for evolution of consciousness or expanded awareness and choice.

He has taught for a long time that meditation is the most powerful technology for awakening awareness.

Michael Bernard Beckwith on the Secret Law of Attraction

So what does he believe about The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and what is beyond The Secret Law of Attraction? It is, he says, really placing yourself in a position to have an affirmative realisation of what to sow in this magnificent universe and then walking in that direction.

It is not just sitting around waiting for something to happen. He believes that The Secret by Rhonda Byrne was really a wonderful vehicle to bring the conversation to a larger audience and it has done its job in that respect.

He describes it as a very colloquial and parochial introduction into the laws and it could not cover everything, but it gets people to realise that they can begin to have dominion over their lives. They do not have to be a victim of circumstances or situations.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is about developing a way of life, making declarations and intentions, using creative imagination, watching your conversations and the company that you keep.

He suggests you look around and ask: Are the people you are around going to, or at the place where you want to be in life? 

It is important to change your focus. Many people focus just on the thing they do not want in life so they are deleting everything except for the possibility of the negative occurring.

In this magnificent universe there are infinite opportunities. So, he says, if you are not seeing any you are definitely looking through a glass darkly.

Michael Bernard Beckwith and smoking

People keep doing the same dysfunctional things over and over again because they do it unconsciously.

Although most people are intelligent enough to know what they are doing, they are somehow not watching themselves do what they do so it is not the same as doing it with awareness.

Michael Beckwith makes this point when he explains what he does to help people stop smoking.

Instead of unconsciously just lighting up cigarette after cigarette, Michael says, No, do not stop smoking cigarettes.

Take the cigarette and enjoy every single puff. Be aware of the smell on your fingers.

Be aware of the smell of the smoke getting into your clothes.

Be aware of the smoke going into your lungs and what the process of that is doing to your body.

Just be totally aware of you absolutely smoking that entire cigarette and then perhaps even be aware of the feeling that you have right before you start smoking the cigarette.

Only then will people begin to realise that it is a compulsive behaviour that they are using to block themselves from their feelings of fear, and once you become aware of that and you learn that you can be in fear and still do what you have to do anyway, the cigarette smoking will fall off because it does not have any pay off any more.

Michael Bernard Beckwith’s advice to those who feel stuck

Bill Harris interviewed a number of those from The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Michael Beckwith was asked what advice he would give to people who feel stuck.

His general advice was that if you are not living the life that you feel you are ordained to live, just write down firstly the life you want to live.

Describe it. The law of attraction says you do not describe what you see, you see what you describe and so you begin to describe that life.

Nuancing The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, he says you do not have to believe it at first. Just describe the kind of life you want to live and then read it regularly.

Then you begin to feel what it would feel like if you were living that kind of life. Then you take an action and say, If I really believe in this, what action would I need to take to prove to myself that I believe that?

The mind does not know the difference between a real and symbolic action, so if you begin to take an action like that, it begins to recalibrate your nervous system and speeds up the day when you begin to see what you are describing.

You are then open and receptive to hunches, intuition, gut feelings and out-of-the-blue thoughts. It is called inspiration.

Michael Beckwith says if you begin to do that regularly, waking up in the morning and reading that list and feeling it before you go to bed at night, and beginning some kind of meditation practice, you will begin to notice month after month subtle changes happening in your awareness, in your habits and in the way you think and your life will ultimately begin to change.

It is all to do with where you put your attention. If you ask, How can I do this? the universe will start bringing you all kinds of scenarios about how you can achieve that.

But if you keep saying What is wrong with me? or How did I get into this situation? your mind will come up with an explanation for what is wrong with you.

The universe, he says, is an easy place to live once you align yourself with this law. You have a choice where to put your attention.

Nuancing The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, he says you do not have to believe it at first. Just describe the kind of life you want to live and then read it regularly.

Then you begin to feel what it would feel like if you were living that kind of life. Then you take an action and say, If I really believe in this, what action would I need to take to prove to myself that I believe that?

The mind does not know the difference between a real and symbolic action, so if you begin to take an action like that, it begins to recalibrate your nervous system and speeds up the day when you begin to see what you are describing.

You are then open and receptive to hunches, intuition, gut feelings and out-of-the-blue thoughts. It is called inspiration.

Michael Beckwith says if you begin to do that regularly, waking up in the morning and reading that list and feeling it before you go to bed at night, and beginning some kind of meditation practice, you will begin to notice month after month subtle changes happening in your awareness, in your habits and in the way you think and your life will ultimately begin to change.

It is all to do with where you put your attention. If you ask,How can I do this? the universe will start bringing you all kinds of scenarios about how you can achieve that.

But if you keep saying What is wrong with me? or How did I get into this situation? your mind will come up with an explanation for what is wrong with you.

The universe, he says, is an easy place to live once you align yourself with this law. You have a choice where to put your attention.

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